Saturday, March 13, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

I love Larabars and I love the readers of Uncovering Food. So I want to share some of my Larabar love with you! No one paid me or gave them to me... I just love the nut and fruit goodness of these delicious treats and so I am going to grab five bars at random out of my Larabar stash and mail them to one Uncovering Food reader. Why? Because 29 is going to be the best year ever and so why not start it off by sharing the love?!?!?


1. Leave a comment sharing one fabulous thing I should do before I turn 30!

2. Follow Uncovering Food :o)

3. Share the love on twitter or your blog so more people can join the party!

While the love won't end, the contest must! Entries will close on my SISTER'S birthday (March 17) at midnight PST. So you have from my birthday (today!) to her birthday (Wednesday) to get in on the Larabar love!


hsullivan66 said...

1. hmm...I'm fast approaching 31 now, but I would want to see the grand canyon, not from a plane! Most of my wish list are places I want to visit, but I don't really have a time line on them.

2. I already follow you

hsullivan66 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jane Beall said...

I think something adventurous is in order, like white water rafting or bungee jumping!

Jane Beall said...

I subscribe via Google reader

Jane Beall said...

And I tweeted...thanks!

Lori said...

Go to New Orleans, if you haven't!

Christo Gonzales said...

ride a mechanical bull

Christina said...

you are so sweet to give away some of your stash! :)

hmmm have you sky dived??

i say -- go to italy!! and hawaii! (my favorite places)

Christina said...

i already follow you! :)

xo, Amanda said...

1. If you haven't already, learn how to surf. Or snowboard. Or swim with dolphins.

xo, Amanda said...

2. I'm a follower

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! One thing you should do is definitely splurge on an multi-course meal at the restaurant you've always wanted to eat at :)

Just Me said...

Yeah.. Larabars totally do rock this world!!

Happy Birthday, New year, fresh start make it your best!

Oh and you know I am a follower ;) But i know the giveaway is closed.. just wanted to say HI!

Unknown said...

I turn 29 this year too and I plan to take one heck of a trip to Vegas before I am 30!


I get asked by readers if I am being paid to push products. The simple answer is no. In fact, most of the products I write about are ones I have found and purchased during my trips to the grocery store or on the road. Occasionally, a company will send a sample my way and if I believe the product will serve a need for my readers and I would buy the product myself, then I will share it with you. Sometimes I will write to a company after reading about it, if I believe it will help us lead healthier lifestyles. But even then, if the product doesn't pass my scrutiny, it won't make the screen of Uncovering Food. You can trust that every product or recipe posted here has passed through my lips, and that I wouldn't blog about it if it wasn't worthy of you... my favorite readers.