About Me

Hello world! I originally started Uncovering Food as a place for me to keep recipes I was creating and eventually other people started reading it. While it continues to evolve, the general purpose of healthy eating remains the same.

I am a full time teacher and debate coach and thus Uncovering Food is only my hobby. Unfortunately, my full time job often distracts me from blogging, so while I try to remain on a consistent posting schedule, I can't make any promises!

When it comes to culinary delights, a few of my weaknesses are wine, sushi, fruit, and Starbucks. But I am always willing to try something new. I love perusing the grocery store aisles when we land at our weekly tournament destination in search of some cool food I haven't tried before. I can spend hours wandering grocery store aisles if I am given the opportunity!

In the kitchen, I rarely follow recipes. I read cookbooks for inspiration and then let my imagination run wild. This makes trying to translate what I am cooking into a blog post a lot of fun. You will often see seasonings "to taste" because I think that everyone has different tastes and the amount of chili powder I use isn't what others might like. Food is fun! Play around with it!

If you have any questions or want to touch base with me, please email me at debatespeak at gmail. I look forward to hearing from you, although with my crazy work schedule, I can't promise an immeadiate reply!


I get asked by readers if I am being paid to push products. The simple answer is no. In fact, most of the products I write about are ones I have found and purchased during my trips to the grocery store or on the road. Occasionally, a company will send a sample my way and if I believe the product will serve a need for my readers and I would buy the product myself, then I will share it with you. Sometimes I will write to a company after reading about it, if I believe it will help us lead healthier lifestyles. But even then, if the product doesn't pass my scrutiny, it won't make the screen of Uncovering Food. You can trust that every product or recipe posted here has passed through my lips, and that I wouldn't blog about it if it wasn't worthy of you... my favorite readers.