Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Power Trail Mix

You will want to check the nutritional information on each of the first four ingredients. The amounts I used were equal to one point per ingredient based on my specific brands.

3 cups of air-popped popcorn
1 oz dried Goji berries
2 TBSP no sugar added Carob chips
Olive Oil spray

Spray popcorn with olive oil spray and toss with nutritional yeast. You may also want to add salt to the mix. Once popcorn is cool, add Goji berries and Carob chips.

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I get asked by readers if I am being paid to push products. The simple answer is no. In fact, most of the products I write about are ones I have found and purchased during my trips to the grocery store or on the road. Occasionally, a company will send a sample my way and if I believe the product will serve a need for my readers and I would buy the product myself, then I will share it with you. Sometimes I will write to a company after reading about it, if I believe it will help us lead healthier lifestyles. But even then, if the product doesn't pass my scrutiny, it won't make the screen of Uncovering Food. You can trust that every product or recipe posted here has passed through my lips, and that I wouldn't blog about it if it wasn't worthy of you... my favorite readers.