Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hurrah for Hemp!

When I was in high school, I debated about alternative and renewable energies. This was the 90s and one of the plans included utilizing hemp as an energy source. Many of the debates about hemp often dissolved into a debate about drug use and while it's 2010, many organizations continue to work to overcome the stigmas associated with hemp. Why the fuss? Hemp is valuable nutritional food source!

Last year, I wrote about Hemp Shakes which are still a staple in my daily eats. However on one recent trip to the store I saw these organic, shelled hemp seeds on sale and had to pick them up!

Enjoyed right out of the bag, hemp seeds are light and you get a lot in a single tablespoon. They have a subtle nutty flavor and add dimension to my yogurts, smoothies and oatmeal. Unlike some nuts and seeds, hemp seeds give you a lot of bang for your buck. Because they are so small, you get more per serving which means a small serving goes a long way.

In addition to flavor, these babies are FULL of nutrients! I only use one tablespoon as a serving which is only 58 calories, 4.5 grams of fat, and almost 4 grams of protein. It is also high in Omega 3 and 6 (essential fatty acids) and according to Happy Planet, "Hemp contains the highest percentage of globulin protein found in any plant." I had no idea what that was until I read an article published by the Hemp Line Journal's 1992 publication which explained all of the nutritional benefits of the hemp seed. Apparently they help produce amino acids which help your immune system!

Whether you are enjoying a half-tablespoon on top of your yogurt or a full tablespoon in your oatmeal, hemp seeds are delicious, nutritious, and underutilized. If you enjoy hemp seeds or try them after reading this, let me know how you use them!

Hemp Seed


Mo Diva said...

i should make a trip to wholefoods. :-)

Christina said...

i never knew anything about hemp seed before this post, so thank you! very informative :)

Juliana said...

Oh! Never heard of hemp...thanks so much for sharing the information :-)

Food Gal said...

I remember when I did a tasting of hemp products at the San Jose Mercury News. I can't say that we were thrilled by what we tasted. But maybe that's because the hemp was in processed foods. The actual seeds have more appeal. And if they have a nutty taste, I am so there! ;)

Gera@SweetsFoodsBlog said...

Very interesting and tasty information, I've never heard about hemp, at least with this name ;)

Have a great weekend,


Anonymous said...

I'll definitely have to look for this! Thanks!


I get asked by readers if I am being paid to push products. The simple answer is no. In fact, most of the products I write about are ones I have found and purchased during my trips to the grocery store or on the road. Occasionally, a company will send a sample my way and if I believe the product will serve a need for my readers and I would buy the product myself, then I will share it with you. Sometimes I will write to a company after reading about it, if I believe it will help us lead healthier lifestyles. But even then, if the product doesn't pass my scrutiny, it won't make the screen of Uncovering Food. You can trust that every product or recipe posted here has passed through my lips, and that I wouldn't blog about it if it wasn't worthy of you... my favorite readers.