Oikos Spa Bag Giveaway!
When I get stressed out and overworked, I know that it can be hard to make sure I am still taking time for myself to eat right and relax. According to the Mayo Clinic, stress can cause weight gain. Which for some of us can only lead to more stress! As I head off to work with my students for one of the largest competitions of the year, I wanted to leave you with a opportunity to destress.
The fabulous folks at Oikos recognize that this is a stressful time of year and have offered one lucky Uncovering Food reader a chance to take a moment for themselves. This spa-themed giveaway will help you relax and renew at home and includes coupons for 4 free containers of Oikos organic Greek yogurt, a reusable Oikos tote bag, and the "Take- 5" Anti-Stress spa kit, from Earth Therapeutics, which includes a loofah massage sponge, Anti-Stress massage soap, a body brush, Anti-Stress massage lotion and a soothing gel eye mask.

To enter, please leave a comment about why you need to destress and say Ohm. This initial entry is required.
For additional entries you can:
1) become a follower of Uncovering Food (leave a comment!)
2) blog about this contest (link the URL in the comments!)
3) tweet about this contest (mention @UncoveringFood and @Stonyfield)
4) become a fan of Oikos and/or Uncovering Food on Facebook (leave a comment for each page you become a fan of)
The contest closes on November 25 @ midnight PST and a winner will be drawn randomly on Thanksgiving. Good luck!
I get asked by readers if I am being paid to push products. The simple answer is no. In fact, most of the products I write about are ones I have found and purchased during my trips to the grocery store or on the road. Occasionally, a company will send a sample my way and if I believe the product will serve a need for my readers and I would buy the product myself, then I will share it with you. Sometimes I will write to a company after reading about it, if I believe it will help us lead healthier lifestyles. But even then, if the product doesn't pass my scrutiny, it won't make the screen of Uncovering Food. You can trust that every product or recipe posted here has passed through my lips, and that I wouldn't blog about it if it wasn't worthy of you... my favorite readers.
I need to destress and say Ohm because I am freaking out that the holidays are here and there is so much to do to get ready for them! AAAAAHHHHHH! Uh, I mean, OOOOOhm ;)
i'm a follower :)
i'm a fan of oikos on fbook!
i need to destress to stay sane throughout schoolwork.
CG I am a follower now on facbook as well love the new layout
I need to de-stress and say ohmmmm.. so my heart can be healthy! It's not always easy, with work, civic and family commitments, but de-stressing makes me a nicer, healthier person!
I need to destress cause I have 2 major tests on Monday, and I also have finals looming over my head. School is crazy!
I'm a follower :)
I became an Oikos fan on facebook
I am a follower!
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I need to destress and say Ohm because I am only 24, but already have terrible neck/back pain and stress only makes it worse and last longer.
I am a follower :)
I need to destress and say ohm because I have very demanding schoolwork and trying to maintain high grades only causes more stress!
Amazing giveaway, thanks!
<3 jess
I need to take a moment to relax and say "Ohm" for many many reasons. 1) School full time 2) Work full time 3) Just bought a house and trying to make it mine!! 4) Holiday season ALWAYS stresses me out and 5) We're going through an investigation at work (against someone else!) and it's been very stressful with court dates, depositions, impromptu visits to Baton Rouge for meetings, getting everything ready for the state police and dealing with customers! hehe!
Ah. I think everyone needs a little R&R!
I'm a college student and finals are coming up (arrrrgh). Such a stressful time, definitely need to chill out and de-stress right now!
Thanks so much for sharing this giveaway with your readers!
email address is visible in blogger profile
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fan of uncovering food on facebook
I am naturally a person who is stressed out. I have fibromyalgia and before I was diagnosed with DVT (Deep vein thrombosis) Iwould get massages every once in a while to release some of the tension in my muscles. Ever since the DVT I have not been able to do that per doctor's orders.
I stress out about finances and the health of my parents and family.
It is ridiculous to get like this but as much as I try I can not unwind but for a good de-stressing as my husband and I used to call it.
I'm a follower and I follow you on facebook (and twitter for that matter:-))
I think this work week is the perfect example of why I need to learn to destress. When I get very stressed I feel nauseaus so I can't eat, I have trouble sleeping, and I wake up at random hours of the night and feel compelled to check stuff for work. I can't go work out since I'm usually feeling too run down from lack of eating & sleep, and then I break out. Not pretty!
I need to relax and destress because we've got to travel with out 6 month old baby to three different sets of grandparents this Christmas season! Nothing like travel with a baby to wind you up.
Awesome giveaway, I love Oikos!
i love oikos!!
I would love to win this! I totally need to destress. I am a caterer and this time of the year is BUSY!
Oh and now I am a follower!
I'm now a fan of Oikos on Facebook.
And a fan of Uncovering Food on Facebook! :D
OH My. I almost missed the deadline! How is that possible????
I know I cannot enter but I passed to say Hi and Happy Thanksgiving!!
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